How does Allâh descend in the last third of the night when time zones are different?

`Allâmah Muqbil bin Hâdee al-Wâdi`ee (died 1422)


Question: Aboo Hurayrah رَضِيَ اللهُ عَنْهُ reported that Allâh descends to the lowest heaven in the last third of the night. You are aware, however, that the times in America and here (Yemen) are different. When it’s morning in America, it’s evening here. How is this explained and how does this Descent occur?

Answer: Allâh is All-Able. We believe that Allâh descends in a manner worthy of His majesty and we do not imagine it. There are similar examples; Allâh’s Prophet said that Allâh is between the one who prays and Qiblah. However, there are many who pray. We therefore believe in ahâdeeth of Allâh’s Prophet as they came – and we do not imagine them.