Refraining from Sunnah in order to win people over

Imâm Muhammad bin Sâlih bin `Uthaymeen (died 1421)


Question: Is it allowed to refrain from certain Sunan in order not to be exposed to trials or divide muslims?

Answer: Such as?

It seems, and Allâh knows better, that he is referring to, for example, not to raise hands in prayer. Some scholars say that one should only raise his hands during Takbeerat-ul-Ihrâm (The opening Takbeer), and condemn those who do it when they are going to Rukoo` and when they go up from Rukoo` or the first Tashahhud. So is it better to differ from them and act in accordance with the Sunnah – or to abstain from this Sunnah in order to win their hearts?

The second option is better. However, one should not completely refrain from this Sunnah. One should practice it at home and teach these people that it is correct to raise hands. When they become comfortable with his words, he should raise his hands.